Additional TRF Request Form


$25.00 per TRF for Regular Mail/In-Person

$60.00 per TRF for Express Courier with Tracking

Your IELTS test scores are valid for a period of 2 years, and your reports (TRFs) can be requested from AOLCC to be sent directly to the institutions you are applying to.

A candidate can only request up to 2 Additional TRFs apart from the original TRF for any other puropse other than sending it to the recognized insitution.

  1. Five (5) Test Report Forms (TRFs) to recognized institutions are included in the fees of the IELTS test paid by the test taker, ONLY IF they were included at the time of your online registration. If you need to send your results to recognizing organizations after the test date, you need to pay $25 for each copy.
  2. Before the test, receiving institutions can be added through your British Council test-taker portal for up to 5 days prior to your test date. Any requests to add receiving institutions after this time will be subject to a fee.
  3. This form needs to be filled INDIVIDUALLY for each additional TRF. For example, if you need 4 extra TRFs you need to fill this form 4 times.